Asset management with PRIMUS-ETHICS
Reduce your carbon footprint while making money
PRIMUS-ETHICS – with this approach to asset management, we invest your capital in sustainable investment products and in companies that take their social, environmental, and societal responsibilities seriously. Clients benefit in two ways from this approach: the opportunity for better performance and a positive impact on sustainable development through a reduced carbon footprint.
People living in the Western world produce an average of about ten metric tons of CO2 equivalents (CO2e is a unit of measurement used to standardise the various greenhouse gases) per person per year. To mitigate the impact of climate change, this average would have to be reduced to two metric tons of CO2e, i.e. by 80% per person, by 2030. But how can we reduce our carbon footprint without complete renunciation? The familiar measures include conscious consumption, solar power, sustainable heating systems, and electromobility. But there is also another way to make a big difference – with PRIMUS-ETHICS asset management, whose primary sustainability goal is to reduce the carbon footprint.
The Neue Bank selection process
Our selection process takes only shares of companies into account that report low CO2e emissions based on measurable data and are striving to further reduce those levels in future. The decisive factor is therefore not only the company’s end product, but also how sustainably and resource-efficiently the product is produced. We also exclude all companies that are active in controversial business areas such as alcohol, tobacco, gambling, weapons/armaments, nuclear energy, adult entertainment, genetic engineering, oil, gas, and coal. Additionally, the companies must be among the best in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) rankings, achieving an MSCI ESG rating of A or better.

Finally, the remaining companies undergo a quantitative financial analysis, of which the best companies are included in the portfolio.
The Neue Bank financial analysis
Sustainability-oriented investors are convinced that additional analyses of issuers based on ESG criteria lead to a more comprehensive understanding of opportunities and risks. They believe that companies that use raw materials and energy efficiently, treat their employees and suppliers fairly, or design their products to meet the growing environmental demands of their clients will also achieve greater economic success. By separating sustainability analysis and financial analysis, we ensure, firstly, the consideration of sustainability principles and, secondly, the application of our specially developed quantitative filter, which selects the 30 best stocks. This approach enables investment in companies with consistently positive share price development, aiming to outperform the benchmark index while simultaneously reducing the portfolio’s carbon footprint.

Mixed mandates
Depending on the investment strategy, we allocate part of the portfolio to specific impact themes, such as climate and environmental protection, green bonds, or microfinance. In mixed mandates, the selection process for the “bonds” and “alternative investments” asset classes is designed to be as similar as possible to that used for “equities.” However, due to differing methodologies, valuation approaches, and data availability, variations in the ESG quality of the selected investment instruments may occur.
Highest sustainability rating for PRIMUS-ETHICS

PRIMUS-ETHICS Equities World has been awarded MSCI’s highest sustainability rating of AAA (rating as of 31.12.2024)
Performance comparison
PRIMUS-ETHICS Equities World versus benchmark in USD

From 1 January 2009 to 31 December 2024, the mandate achieved a cumulative return of 491.74%, or 11.75% per year, in USD (before the deduction of fees and charges). This represents an almost fourfold increase in investment assets over 16 years. PRIMUS-ETHICS outperformed the benchmark by 186.32 percentage points..
Disclaimer: The investments underlying our financial products (mandates) do not take into account the EU criteria for environmentally sustainable economic activities
PRIMUS-ETHIC – Assets meet responsibility
You don’t just want to invest your assets profitably. You are aware that wealth entails responsibility. That’s why you want to increase your capital by investing in morally and ethically sound companies. We would be happy to help you realise your wishes. Get in touch with us.