Sustainable asset management with PRIMUS-ETHICS
Top performance with sustainable investments
PRIMUS-ETHICS – with this sustainable approach to asset management, we invest your capital in companies with integrity. These companies take their social and environmental responsibilities seriously. The advantage for you: Sustainable investments have a demonstrably positive effect on economic success and performance.
Performance comparison
PRIMUS-ETHICS vs. Benchmark in USD
Sustainable investments have been shown to have a positive effect on economic success. From 1.1.2009 to 31 March, 2022 the mandate in USD achieved a cumulative return of 373% or 12.45% per year (before Deduction of fees and charges). This translates into a quadrupling of fixed assets in something more than 13 years. Compared to the benchmark PRIMUS-ETHICS had an Outperformance of 144% respectively.
Sustainability in investing – for Neue Bank, a necessity
Neue Bank AG has been a pioneer and trailblazer in sustainability. In 2009, we were the first bank in Liechtenstein to include ethical investments in our portfolio. In addition to the classical three components – liquidity, return, and risk – these socially responsible investments (SRI) also take the sustainability of the investments into account. This is the fourth factor necessary for long-term, successful business.
Highest sustainability rating for PRIMUS-ETHICS
PRIMUS-ETHICS shares have been awarded the sustainability rating AAA by yourSRI (rating as of April 19, 2021)
Neue Bank selection process
After a two-stage selection process using exclusion criteria (nuclear energy, genetic engineering, alcohol, gambling, adult entertainment, tobacco, weapons) and the ESG criteria (environmental, social and governance) only sustainable equity funds remain in our portfolio.
Neue Bank equity analysis
By separating sustainability and equity analysis, Neue Bank ensures that both, the concept of sustainability as well as the specifically developed quantitative filter, which evaluates a permanently monitored portfolio of the 30 best equities, is taken into account.
This process enables investment in exclusively sustainable stocks with sustained positive price development and the generation of an
Outperformance compared to the benchmark index.
PRIMUS-ETHICS – Assets meet responsibility
You not only want to invest your wealth profitably. You are aware that wealth comes with responsibility. This is why you want to increase your capital by investing in morally and ethically sound companies. We would be happy to assist you in implementing your wishes. Please contact us.