Sustainability-related disclosure obligations

Neue Bank AG (hereinafter called “the Bank”) attaches great importance to transparency towards its clients with regard to its sustainability approach and the handling of sustainability risks. The following information is based in particular upon the disclosure requirements of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 on sustainability-related disclosure requirements within the financial services sector (hereinafter called “the Disclosure Regulation”).

The statements provided here describe the approach that is currently being implemented. They will be gradually expanded to include the relevant quantitative information, in particular with regard to the final “technical regulatory standards”, after further necessary substantiation by European legislators.

Information about the Neue Bank approach to sustainability

The Bank’s approach to sustainability takes into account, inter alia, the handling of sustainability risks (in the investment and lending business as well as in business operations) and the adverse sustainability impacts of investments. The following link will take you to the document “Sustainability for Future Generations”, which also deals with the remuneration policy and its impact on the long-term sustainable development of the company. It also presents the Bank’s view of the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the Bank’s engagement policy.

Further information on how to benefit from our sustainable investment approach can be found on our sustainable investing page.

Sustainable for future generations

Sustainable financial products – for Neue Bank an absolute necessity

The Bank sees itself as a pioneer and trailblazer in the field of sustainability. For example, it included ethical investments in its range of asset management services as early as 2009. These Socially Responsible Investments (SRI) take into account the sustainability of the investments in addition to the classic three components – liquidity, return and risk. It represents the fourth factor necessary for long-term successful, responsible economic activity.

With the “PRIMUS-ETHICS” mandate, the Bank offers its clients a wide range of sustainable investment opportunities within the context of investment consultancy and asset management. Product-specific detailed information on sustainability can be accessed via the respective links.

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